Freedom Rise – Chase Files For New Trademark 2023

Learn about Chase's new potential credit card the Freedom Rise before it comes out.

Dylan Mercado
Dylan Mercado
chase freedom rise new card

Freedom Rise

Chase, one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, has recently filed two interesting trademarks for 'Chase Freedom Rise' and 'Freedom Rise'. This news has caught the attention of many credit card enthusiasts and has led to much speculation about what these trademarks could mean for Chase's credit card offerings.

The last time Chase filed a trademark like this was for the 'Chase Ink Business Premier' card, which was launched a month after the trademark filing. This suggests that Chase may be preparing to launch a new credit card under the 'Freedom Rise' brand.

What to expect?

Based on the name alone, it's difficult to discern exactly what type of credit card Chase is planning to offer with the 'Freedom Rise' branding. However, some credit card experts are speculating that it could be a basic starter credit card or a card for people with poor credit history.

It's also worth noting that Chase discontinued the Chase Slate card in April 2020 and replaced it with the Chase Slate Edge in July 2021. This could indicate that the 'Freedom Rise' card may completely replace the Slate branding, although nothing has been confirmed by Chase at this time.

Regardless of what type of credit card the 'Freedom Rise' branding will be attached to, it's clear that Chase is looking to expand its credit card offerings and stay competitive in the increasingly crowded credit card market.

Chase has a strong reputation for offering high-quality credit cards with great rewards programs, so it will be interesting to see what they have in store with the 'Freedom Rise' card. Whether it's a basic starter card or a card for people with poor credit, Chase will likely find a way to make it stand out from the competition.

While we don't yet know exactly what type of credit card these trademarks will be attached to, it's clear that Chase is looking to expand its credit card offerings and stay competitive in the market. We'll have to wait and see what Chase has in store for the 'Freedom Rise' card, but we're excited to find out.

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